Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks-giving is an Act

In this particular day, for whatever reason (though I think it has to deal with feeling a little worn down), I'm finding it somewhat difficult to feel thankful. There have been many times in my life where that meant I simply didn't give thanks. I numbed out, or went about my day, or continued to feel bad about whatever circumstance I was in.

The reality is that I have a TON to BE thankful for, whether I feel thankful or not. And sometimes, just the writing it, the act of thinking it and acknowledging it, can help bring the emotions in line. Giving thanks is an act of the will at this particular moment, one which I hope will spring up from deep in my soul and incline my heart to God.

Sidebar on "to God": I saw a great quote today on Facebook from Cornelius Plantinga Jr.: "It must be an odd feeling to be thankful to nobody in particular. Christians in public institutions often see this odd thing happening on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone in the institution seems to be thankful "in general." It's very strange. It's a little like being married in general."

Anyways, here goes. Thank you, Heavenly Father:
For Your precious, amazing, beautiful Son, Jesus
For the Bible, your very words, whereby I may learn and be fed and be transformed.
For the incomprehensible mystery that I may share in the life of Christ
For Holy Spirit living in me and guiding me

For the rich content of the books I've been reading this year that are drawing me closer to You
For the loving, life-giving friendships of the people around me
For my wife, who is a living, breathing, loving means of Your grace to me
For my son Aidan, who is making me feel completely inadequate as a father, thereby making me seek you daily for sustenance and grace to fail.
For my son Brendan, who is simply so cute and loving and mischievous and playful, he is a living picture of what you meant when you said, "Unless you become like one of these, you cannot enter the kingdom of God."
For parents who simply did the best they could, and who continue to love me and be available
For the many family and friends who offer prayers on my behalf.
and For hearing their prayers.

For this season of rest and renewal, and the freedom to let it be that as much as it has been.
For cooler temps to enjoy being outdoors and enjoy You there.
For a roof over our head, gas in our cars, plentiful food in our fridge and pantry
For the variety of music that helps me turn in awareness to You as I go about my activities.
For a forum to write, and gracious readers (all 5 of them...)
For helping my heart come just a little closer to you in gratitude as I write.

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