Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is God's Sovereignty Circumstantial?

Several friends on social networks have made updates similar to "despite the election results, trusting in the sovereignty of God." If the election had turned out differently, would you have made that statement today? We often make that kind of statement when we are in the middle of circumstances we see as BAD. The fact is, God is in control no matter who is president. If McCain had won, we would still need to trust in the sovereignty of God. Don't put your trust in princes, but in the King of Kings.


David Weaver said...

Hi Jason,
I agree and actually had the same thought the past few days. I wonder though how many people say, "despite the results" and if really questioned what they mean would agree that God's sovereignty is not circumstantial. I think I could be labeled a Spurgeon Calvinist. (I know not who is elect therefore I will preach the Gospel). But nonetheless, if people are questioning God's sovereignty, the ramifications are far reaching arent they? Just to mention personal eternal security for one.
Good to hear from you again!
Dave Weaver

SLM said...

Yes, I would have still made the same comment that God is STILL in control. I said it before I cast my vote, and I stand by it now.

It doesn't matter to me who is our president. What matters to me is who the King of kings.