Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"We're in"

Part of this week's work is sifting through over 1400 emails to declutter my inbox. In doing so, I came across a forward from Pastor Mike. Someone in the church wrote this during our Generous Life series. I'm continually inspired and excited when I see our people having this kind of attitude! :

"This past Sundays sermon stirred my inner being and my spirit as did my wife's and we had great conversation around these questions. what more can we do? what can we afford? what sacrifices can we make? and I wish I could do more! Like many, we are struggling to make ends meet with the way the economy is currently.

Ultimately the conclusion to those questions was what if Christ had that same attitude? He gave it all! He didn't just have one hand nailed to the cross and say I wish I could do more. With that alone hanging over our heads and weighing heavy on our hearts we will be making some menial sacrifices.

We truly believe that Grace Fellowship is and will make a huge impact in Central Florida. God is working, living and breathing within its walls, its members, leaders and it is truly a blessing to be a part of His ultimate design and purpose. Leading others to the cross and helping them take those small yet gigantic steps. So if takes a little sacrifice we're in!

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