Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Glimpsing God-sized vision

My ministry partners Mike Adkins and David Paul took me along to a conferencetoday. It was awesome stuff about spiritual growth in the church. I’m in such a learning phase right now, at times I’m almost overwhelmed by what I need to learn and develop. But I’m also really excited as I read and watch videos and read blogs and learn. There are times each day this week, just for a few seconds, I’ll have this thought about what could be at Grace and how I could be a part of it if I was “dialed in” totally. Really sold out like the apostles. I'd like to think God would bless me to be a Greg Hawkins or John Ortberg or something...what I mean by that, is that I would play a role in something huge. I already do, Grace is already making a great impact for the Kingdom, but there is so much more ahead.

When I have these glimpses, it takes my breath away because I realize I have a long way to go but I think God can use me (he already is). It’s like what is happening now is very important foundational groundwork, but it’s only whispers of what could be. I think that's how the apostles felt. I guess even if it’s just for a few seconds each day I’m learning to dream God-sized dreams. I hope God fans the flame.

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