Friday, October 5, 2007

Passionate Worship

I have to admit I'm a little jealous of my friends who decided on Tuesday to go to Atlanta for this little conference called Catalyst. I remember being there a couple years ago and loving a lot of what we heard, but loving the music, the singing worship songs to God. It was just awesome. I remember them doing a cover of "Kyrie" by Mr. Mister, which is an awesome song. I love and long for those times of worship. So much so that I've wondered at times in my life if I'm just addicted to the high of emotion that I feel sometimes when I'm just all in, really dialed in to the moment.

At our offices we have Hillsong Music's DVD of Savior King looping in our lobby. Sometimes I'll stand and watch it. It is so inspiring because the crowd and the leaders on stage are full of reckless abandon to God. Sometimes, it's almost like pain that's on their faces as they sing. It's like they just can't hold on any longer, they MUST get out what they are singing. It's especially true of me when we play "From the Inside out."

When we play on stage at Grace, it's hard sometimes to tell if people are really engaging in worship. We get tons of comments about how we sound good, we did a nice job, etc. But rarely does someone come up and say how they met God in the music, how it moved them. This whole dynamic is a very subjective area, I mean, who am I to say that someone isn't really worshipping God? I just love watching videos like this though, and when I do take a break from playing guitar, I enjoy just receiving and giving back to God without worrying about playing the chords. I hope that I can work to get the chords down well enough that it doesn't inhibit me, and I hope our church congregation will be so excited and drawn to the heart of God that they can't help but raise their hands, clap, cry, kneel, in worship to Him who is worthy to receive all glory, honor, power, blessing, riches, and strength!

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