Friday, February 6, 2009

Cinemology, Part Eight

I watched Evan Almighty last night, and while most of you probably have seen it, here's are just a couple of the ideas that hit me:

1. Evan says, "With great power comes great responsibility….Please help me change the world." He's an honest man who's spent his life in the game of politics and building his neat little suburban life with the rich and famous. In a moment of clarity as he realizes this next step in his life, he prays this prayer. As Christians, we have the greatest power in the world, we have Holy Spirit. How often do we pray a prayer as big as "help me change the world"?

2. Do we ask God to do things and then completely ignore His answers, or even get mad about His answers to our prayers?

3. One of the themes of Genesis 6-8 that is depicted well here is the culture of unbelief and selfishness present in Noah's day. Nearly everyone was living their lives without regard for God. They were seeking their own comfortable lives, believing that they were in control of their destiny. God had a little lesson for them about faith.

4. In the movie (unlike Genesis 6-8), at the last minute, when everyone realizes the impending doom, Evan encourages them all on the boat. Even before the flood comes, he pleads with them to get on the ark, but they refuse. 1) We are called to plead with people to avoid the impending doom 2) Some will realize and turn their lives over right away, others will not do it until it's staring them right in the face 3) some will never see their doom until it is too late.

5. A GREAT lesson on how God answers prayer:

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