Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"They" to "we"

Acts 16:9-10 is the first of three texts in Acts where the writer/narrator goes from speaking in 3rd person plural to 2nd person plural--"they" to "we." The physician Luke was an educated man and someone whom Paul considered to be one of his closer co-laborers in the work of the ministry.

This transition makes one simple point--at some point, we must get in on the "we" part of serving Jesus. We can't just notice and take in all the things that other people are doing for Jesus and not participate ourselves. The timing of this in a believer's life looks different for each person, but let me assure you, its not years and years after becoming one.

Luke became a "companion." When you decide to invest in the lives of other people, to sacrifice your time and efforts, to take up your cross (as Jesus referred to it), you become more connected with the community of people around you who are doing the same. You develop friendships and bonds around following Jesus hard and seeking to build his church. Together, you move forward and see lives changed, people healed, relationships restored, sins forgiven. It's worth every bit of the sacrifice.

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