Sunday, November 18, 2007

Holiday on the Drive Prep

I know, I know.  I haven't been very good about typing something on here this week.  I never know sometimes how candid to be on here, or how to really convey some of the things on my mind.  I've been thinking a lot of deeper thoughts, just keeping them between me and God and a few close friends for now.  I could just write fluff, and I do every now and then, but if you'd wanted fluff you'd probably be watching TV right now.  
So we're going to be busy, real busy, for the next two weeks, those of us on the worship team.  We're the headlining band at a little Christmas street festival here in College Park.  We have a lot of practicing to do.  My little fingers hurt as I type because I've been playing guitar all day pretty much, and I tend to have sort of a vise grip especially when I play in G major.  I've got to start playing more during the week just to keep those calluses good and....callused (sp?).  We're doing a mix of Christmas songs and "Secular" songs (I hate that word but no one I know of has thought of an alternative way of saying the same concept).  Pray that these songs will come together, that the band will focus, that we'll be excited and really learn these things as best we can.  We want that Saturday, Dec. 1 to be a great way for us to be seen in the community, with the ultimate goal that people will decide to come to church and then hearts would be changed because they hear the message of Christ.  

Well, gotta go...I'm off to see Bourne Ultimatum at the cheap theatre!  God, please let there be no gum or other nastiness on my seat....

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