Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hogging the Bandwidth

On Sunday I was taking a short break during one of the services to try and upload something online. I forget what it was now, but Kelly happened to be in the same room working on two large projects and was uploading a graphic-heavy piece to the web. I was all like, "Hey, what happened to the internet?" because my computer literally started acting like the internet had gone down, like it was paralyzed to find any available resources to do what I needed done. A couple minutes later, everything was back, which I stated aloud, and she said, "My computer was probably hogging the bandwidth."

Is something hogging your bandwidth? Is something crowding out your ability to be effective in doing what God wants you to do? Are extracurricular activities keeping you from family time? Is TV keeping you from God time (this is me)? Maybe the circumstances seem outside your control--the kids demand your time, your sick with whatever this nasty bug is going around, you're working 60+ hours a week. You have one of two options--get more bandwidth, or stop doing something to free some up. Seems like in this case, less is probably more.