Wednesday, September 10, 2008

An Opportunity for Some Sweet Moola

Yes, if you would like to make some sweet moola with Uncle Rico, I have the opportunity for you. While we have plenty of childcare help stepping forward for evenings, weekends, and other incidental occasions, we are looking for someone we know to be willing to watch Aidan from as early as 8:30 in the morning until around 6pm on a weekday. We are so grateful for everyone's support and love for us as we enjoy our newborn son. We just realize this is a bigger ask and we need someone who can commit to it at least twice a month.

When Anne goes back to work, we already have childcare for her three regular work days of the week, but when it comes to working an extra day here and there, we need someone to watch him. If you are someone we know who will be available for this, please email me. Know that if we receive multiple responses, we will choose the person that seems most compatible for us. For those we don't choose, we love you and appreciate you, just have to go with what works best for us and Aidan.

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