Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This morning we took our two-month-old Aidan to the pediatrician for his checkup and first round of vaccinations. He, of course, screamed his head off while I held his arms and the nurse stuck him no less than five times. It's cool to see how fast they push that fluid! We felt like he actually handled it quite well, as soon as the last shot was over I picked him up and handed him to Mommy to hold him close, and within less than the minute he was done crying and relatively content to be held safely in her arms. Five minutes later he was asleep in the car seat.

Tonight, I fed and bathed Aidan and then held him as he fell asleep in my arms, all this through a rather loud and bright-flashing thunderstorm. The loud thundercracks didn't even phase him! In his sweet innocence, he doesn't know yet to be afraid of storms. In the same way, he never worries about me dropping him because he's never been dropped--there is no precedent for fear.

For years growing up I was very afraid of loud noise. Every thunderstorm, especially the ones at night, which seemed to be more common in Michigan, would have me desperate to hole up and cover my ears. Anytime my Dad started a power tool I would get as far away as I could. Was I afraid of loud noise from birth? What happened that made me so afraid? Will Aidan be afraid of loud noise? Does he have fears now, or is fear developed through circumstance?

All Aidan knows now is trust. Trust in the loving and gentle arms of us, his parents. We love him deeply and want to protect him, but some day, something is going to happen that will strike fear in him. Will he run to us in his fear, come to his loving father for comfort and shelter from the storm? At that age, he hasn't much choice...nothing else will satisfy him but to know the comfort of his father and mother.

Would that I could become like him in my relationship with God.

P.S. Aidan is now 12lbs, 8 oz and 24 inches long. BIG BOY!!!

1 comment:

DM said...

That's cool... I was actually thinking something similar about my boys last night when the first lightning crash had to have hit somewhere on the golf course...

Startled the heck out of me, but not a peep out of the boys.