Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Study in Contrasts

Tonight an awesome couple from Grace, people I really admire and am so honored to call friends, took it upon themselves to make a wonderful (homemade chicken pot pie!) dinner for us and bring it over along with a very nice present for Aidan. It was just one of those moments we've experienced a lot lately, of people exemplifying pure, simple love by doing something nice for us as we settle into parenthood.

As they were driving down our street looking for our house, they were evidently being tailed by someone on a mission. All in a matter of 2 seconds, I saw Kathy, who had her blinker on and attempted to turn into my driveway, when all of the sudden a four-door F150 tried to pass her--between their car and my driveway. He was pulling a boat too. Luckily for everyone, he slammed on his brakes and avoided an accident. As is typical in suburban Orlando, he started cussing and swearing, oblivious to his own oversight--and stupidity, I might add--as he floored it and roared off down our street.

I watched all of this with our innocent two-month old in my arms (again the driver was oblivious that his anger was being witnessed by Aidan), feeling quite helpless to do anything but shake my head at how ridiculous this guy was. He was totally consumed with himself, his truck, his boat, and whatever was most convenient for him. So to be behind a couple going slow as they tried to find our house and complete a simple act of love, did not sit well with him. I learned a few lessons, one of which was a reminder to not get so self-consumed and selfish that not only will I not love others, but I fail to express even common courtesy and respect for others who may just be out to share the love of Jesus with the world.

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