Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back in the Saddle

After a busy Christmas week with our Christmas Eve services, and then preaching last Sunday, I REALLY appreciated our pastor's call to close the offices for the week over the New Year. Most of the staff as we've talked in the last day or two has mentioned sleeping 8-10 hours each night, spending time relaxing, and just taking a breather. It's obvious that we're a bit refreshed.

It was a great week for me too, as I was one of those who slept in until 9ish, spent time relaxing with Aidan, and even played video games a little. The highlight of the week for me was reading the book of Luke, spending 2-3 hrs each day at Starbucks or Panera just soaking in the Scriptures. That, coupled with my spiritual preparation for last weekend's sermon, has left me feeling like I want to be more intentional about connecting with God, experiencing him, reading His Word, praying, etc.

Now stepping back into the office again tomorrow morning, beginning with a 6am small group, I want to keep all that intentionality and heart toward God, and have it directly impact my ministry throughout the week. I want to know God more in and through the details of my work at Grace, to know that my work is done for his glory. I think anyone doing any job or staying at home with the kids or retiring or whatever--we could all develop this sense of connecting to God and allowing Him to redeem our daily lives.

I love my job. I love the people I work with. I love seeing people's lives CHANGED, redeemed, made whole. I love seeing relationships restored, seeing people find the answer and the Truth that I read about last week. As you get back into the routine of life post-holiday, I hope you too will more quickly turn to our Heavenly Father for whatever it is that you need each day.

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