Friday, January 2, 2009

Thoughts While Reading Luke, Final chapters

Chapter 20
--the parable of the tenants—Wow. An interesting allegorical summary of the Old Testament. Over and over again people have rejected Your word.
--Again and again in Luke we see the “masses”, the poor, the oppressed, etc. flocking to hear Jesus, and the religious leaders aimed at killing him, but having problems doing it because all the people hang on his every word. The religious leaders missed the point. They missed the Messiah when he was standing right in front of them, because they had different expectations.

Chapter 21
--God, please increase my faith to be more like that of the widow!
--People have done lots and lots of study about how much of this chapter refers to the invasion of Jerusalem in AD 70 and how much of it refers to the 2nd coming. No matter what, I want to be among those faithful to you!
--This chapter would be quite scary without verse 28—Hang on to Jesus!

Ch 22
--The last supper was for You a looking ahead, to us it is a look back. You accomplished a thing that is so great we can’t really grasp it.
--You redirected the meal for the disciples instead of looking back to the Old Testament, you said we should all now remember YOU. Remember Your redemption of us.
--what a hard lesson for Peter. It seems only fitting that after he denied you and you looked into his eyes, he went and “wept bitterly.” It must have been utter anguish. Yet Lord, there are many of us who find it easier to deny knowing you, who would probably cave in if put under pressure. Thank you Lord, that you are for us and are merciful to us.
--How amazing that you were killed just for speaking the truth of who You are.

Chapter 23
--The angry mob gets their way.
--“Father, Forgive them…” How amazing. I’m totally in awe at your ability to forgive these people. Your point all along was that they didn’t know what they were doing. They couldn’t believe who You are. Thank you for revealing yourself, thank you for forgiveness.
--Love the criminal’s conversion. Thank you Jesus that all can be saved—this story is proof that you are able to bring us to the truth of who you are, that you are the Savior and King.
--They rested on the Sabbath—the women in this story are so awesome—so faithful to You God!

Chapter 24
--The unspeakable joy is palpable here. How glorious it must have been for these people, one by one, who loved You so much and believed in you, to begin to realize that you had come back to life. It would be absolutely uncontainable! No wonder those two felt like their “hearts were burning.”
--He opened their minds so they could understand—Yes!
--I LOVE how this book ends—with the disciples’ example of what our lives are to be—uncontainable joy because we believe in Him and have been saved, which leads us to worship and be witnesses of the truth.
--One book’s ending is another’s beginning—when you ascended, you left us with this work, this life to live, this task of building your kingdom. Lord, may you find me busy doing what the disciples were doing. Let me understand and know the presence of your Holy Spirit within me, strengthen me to walk in love for You. Thank you for Your Word. Thank you for your life and your work.

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