Monday, January 26, 2009

Pax Romana Today

If you remember anything from history class in school your probably have heard of the Pax Romana. The Roman Empire was established across a great part of the world right around the time of Jesus. As part of their contribution to the world, as any trip to Spaceship Earth will tell you, they united the world like never before by building a road system. It's similar to how the United States was changed when the interstate highway system was developed. Into that world, Christ was born. And people came from far and wide, FAST. It didn't take long for him to have a following of thousands. After he left, on Pentecost, there were people from all over the world who happened to be in Jerusalem, and their lives were changed.

Today, far, far more than the Roman road system, or the interstate highway, we have the information super highway, and more and more churches are using it to spread the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. Since the world has gone mobile and to the web, the church should be so also. And many ARE. It is absolutely amazing how the church today is capturing the web and technology for God's purpose and His Kingdom. Later this week, I'll blog about one example. For now, let's just be thankful for the ingenuity and creativity that God has given man, and for how he's enabled the church to use the information superhighway (this term is SO late 90's) to spread His fame.

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