The truck is packed. I'm exhausted but thankful, especially to three close friends who helped load up today. It's been a week of "lasts"--last meals at favorite restaurants, last days of school or daycare, last meetings with friends, and currently enjoying my last java chip from my favorite Starbucks. What I've sensed as I've experienced these "lasts" is that I've left my mark on the people here, and they've left their mark on me.
From the meat market manager, to the county ditch-digger, to the professors, to the men with whom I've walked and talked around campfires and living rooms, to the hundreds of men, women, and children at the various churches where I've served--most significantly Grace: All have been a part of how God is writing the story of my life. And I know that the chapter that starts tomorrow is a new CHAPTER, a continuation of the book. All that has come before is very important to what comes now.
To change metaphors, tomorrow beings a new journey with many firsts. Thankfully Jesus will already be where we're going, while also being here where we've been.