Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hey, Remember the 90's in worship?

Our worship leader Chad posted a little blog on early 90's worship. Oh, how true it is was! I have some very fond memories from growing up. At the time I was in junior high and high school, and I always looked forward to Sundays at my church, Sunshine Church. There came a time where I became very interested in Vineyard worship music, which was cutting edge and in its hey day at the time. We didn't really sing too much Vineyard stuff at our church, but I began to buy their CD's. I still have at least 30 of them, the most recent dating about 2002.

Here's a list of some of songs I remember singing in church--note, we sang many hymns as well. Can I get a shout of from anyone that knows what a "hymnsing" is? Did yours always include a rousing rendition of "When We All Get To Heaven"? Anytime I want to relieve a hymnsing (which is pretty much never), I find the Gaither homecoming on one of the Jesus channels. Anyway:
-In moments like these
-(Lord prepare me to be a) Sanctuary
-Celebrate Jesus
-I Exalt Thee
-Trees of the Field
-Lord I Lift Your Name on High
-A Sheild About Me
-Blessed be the Name (There actually 5 songs of the same title in my head)
-Alleluia, He is Coming (this was too progressive for big church, only in youth group)
-Step by Step
-Awesome God (Ever done this chorus 5 times to just the organ?)
-Change My Heart, O God

Ok there's a ton I'm forgetting. But here's a great top 25 list! Does Maranatha Music even exist anymore?

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