Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kid Thoughts

So you all should know that Anne officially reached full term pregnancy status on Thursday, meaning our son could come any day now. Here's some thoughts that I been thinkin':
-Anne's stomach has grown so much in the past few weeks! That kid's grown a lot just in the last month or so, and this morning we had fun watching him kneading the inside wall of anne's uterus. So funny to see movement much like, as Anne has referenced, the movie Aliens.
-I am very excited to be a dad. The role and responsibilities of fatherhood change and morph just as much as the child--which is often, so this is going to be an adventure but I'm sure looking forward to it. I hope to really bestow a masculinity, and a heart of wisdom, that reflects the heart and masculinity of Jesus.
-Sometimes I wish our house was in better shape for having a baby, but I remember these things: When I was little, my parents were renovating homes in New Jersey, so there was sawdust and drywall dust, and I'd imagine some not-so-kid-friendly items around. And I turned out just fine! The paint chips only affected me a little.... :-) And, for all of history, kids have been born into homes without socket protectors, with ungrounded electrical systems (obviously I'm not covering a lengthy period of history so far...), with all sorts of dangers and potentially harmful causes surrounding. And most every one of them turned out just fine. In conclusion, we're being prudent on taking away those hazards, but we're not going nuts on that stuff.
-I'm very much looking forward to the labor and delivery experience. I know it's going to be quite a ride, but it will be a rewarding and enriching experience. I hope I can be the kind of coach Anne needs.
-When he's born, we're calling parents and Mike and Kelly. They can let everyone in the respective phone trees know the news. But I may twitter every now and then (I promise to keep it to a minimum, dear), and then post here when the time is right.
-There are many more thoughts, but my laptop battery is dying so I need to wrap up. Hopefully much more stories and pictures when he finally does show up!


anne girl said...

You're going to be such a great dad - I love you.

Title of the post made me think of "Kid Fears" by Indigo Girls :-)

Jason Vermeulen said...

I almost made a reference to the song at the beginning of the post, but nixed it 'cause it sounded stupid. Love the song though.

Craig said...

I grew up on a farm surrounded by animals that could have squished me, machinery that could have ripped me limb for limb, chemicals that could have made me very sick (to say the least), not to mention the usual rocks, splinters, heights, sharp objects, and electricity.

Needless to say, I am a firm believer that kids should have some exposure to danger. Being in situations where they have to use their heads, make wise decisions, and use foresight makes them much wiser.

I like that you say you're not going nuts about taking away hazards. Let the kid get some bumps and bruises--he'll learn from them. Let him stick his finger in the outlet--I guarantee he won't do it a second time. Obviously, you'll protect him from things that would truly hurt him, but otherwise, why worry. You want to raise a man (I hope), not a whiny little sissy boy that can't handle himself out in the world.