Monday, December 29, 2008

Thoughts While Reading Luke, Part One

Reading for today was chs. 1-6. For those who took me up on my challenge, I would love it if you were to post your thoughts while reading as well. I realize this is no small undertaking for one week, but I hope that all of us will be recharged and reacquainted with Jesus as we start 2009!

Chapter 1
—Luke spent a lot of time researching, reading, finding out the truth of Jesus life.
--The story of John the Baptist’s foretold birth contains some very important Biblical concepts. Imagine being a priest when the nation had turned from God and God had been silent for 400 years, and all of the sudden GABRIEL—one of God’s higher-ups—shows up standing next to you with these huge promises!
--God is SERIOUS about people taking him at His word—he silenced Zechariah for 9 months.
--LOVE these words: “He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, HIS KINGDOM WILL NEVER END.”
--And these: “For NOTHING is impossible with God.”
--AND Mary’s response! “I am the Lord’s servant….may it be to me as you have said.” What could God do with us if we all submitted to Him like this?
--Imagine the scene when 14 year old Mary traveled 50+ miles and visited Elizabeth—can you feel the excitement?
--timing note—Was Mary THERE when John the Baptist was born?
--Can you imagine the excitement that spread through the region like wildfire when these amazing things began happening? (64-66)

Chapter 2
--I love Luke’s detailed writing style, including as much description of time, location as he can.
--This wasn’t just a big moment for earth/makind—it was also a big moment for heaven. God was orchestrating a huge moment in history, and the angels were there to glorify Him.
--I think the shepherds knew they needed a Savior. I think they’d been hungering for God, waiting for Him to show up, for a LONG time.
--Notice how the people involved in Jesus’ birth narrative are all godly people—they followed and loved God with all their heart, at a time when most didn’t. Sort of like our times…
--vs. 36-38—I want to know more about Anna. WOW!
--Verse 40=about 12 years.

Chapter 3
--John the Baptist’s words (vs. 7-10) would not be very popular in our day. A stern nature to them—yet verse 18 calls it “Good news.”
--“the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” Basically, “I (a prophet appointed by God) am not worthy to do even the lowest, most thankless task that his servant would do.” John had a reverence for the person of Jesus as the Son of the Most High.

Chapter 4
--Note to self—learn more about the Holy Spirit, since many people so far in Luke have been “full of the Holy Spirit” or “led by the Holy Spirit.”
--Vs 6—Satan is so full of crap! Scripture calls him a deceiver, yet how easily we are led astray by him. I hope I can start having Scripture on my heart enough to do what Jesus did in this passage.
--Curious about Jesus’ words and ensuing action at Nazareth—seems like he was asking for it, if that could be true of the Son of God. It’s a self-fulfilled prophecy.
--Capernaum—I’ve been there. This town became sort of home base for Jesus in his ministry.

Chapter 5
--The way Jesus taught Simon Peter was very cool—for Peter, the gospel had to be caught, not taught…
--verse. 11. ‘nuff said.
--Verse 16—Ministry people (including volunteers!), pay attention to this verse! That’s a great reminder for me. How often do I withdraw to solitude and time with God? Jesus was God, and worked hard changing the lives of many, many people—and even he knew that he needed time alone with God, and lots of it.
--Are we filled with awe when we see miracles today? Do we stop and really give praise to God, or do we just go about our lives and begin thinking we had something to do with it?
--Verse 31: I’m a sinner! God, please rid me of self-righteousness.

Chapter 6
--vs. 1-11—have you gone overboard with legalism?
--It’s hard for me to focus in prayer for 5 minutes, and Jesus prayed all night long. Hmmmm….
--vs. 24-26—It’s scary how I sometimes can be like one of the people Jesus is warning about here. It’s scary to think about being more like 22-23—yet it’s there that we find blessing and reward.
--There’s a lot of content in chapter 6’s teaching. I can’t do any of this on my own, I need you Jesus, to help me live the way you describe here.
--I love verse 38—helps me to loosen my grip.

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