Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thoughts While Reading Luke, Part Two

Chapter 7
Vs 1-5—do a study of Jewish leaders’ relationships with Roman centurions and these verses mean a bit more.
Vs 9—will Jesus find faith in me? Am I aligning myself with those unlikely to have faith?
--Very interesting comparison in Verses 29-30: “acknowledged God’s way was right” versus “Rejected God’s purpose for themselves.”
--Verse 35—what does this mean?
--The story of 36-50, this woman, and Jesus’ lesson in it, is one of my favorite in Jesus’ life. It bears much more reflection on my part of whether I have the character and attitude of the Pharisee or of the sinful woman. Am I aware of my sin? Really aware? Do I mourn over it and fall it His feet? What else can I learn from her?

Chapter 8
--Verse 13—this is a real danger for many who call themselves Christians. Will you and I stay rooted in Him, close to Him, run to Him in the time of our testing? This verse is one proof that God does in fact put things in our life to show us our true nature. Why wouldn’t we save ourselves the trouble and turn to Him? Very hard step to take, but through the Holy Spirit, who is God with us and in us, we can turn to him and affirm a verse like Psalm 73:25-26.
--Verse 14—yikes.
--Persevere—not a word we like to hear. But it’s the only group for whom Jesus sees a good outcome of bearing fruit.
--Healing the demon-possessed man—Authority is the key word here. Jesus is LORD of ALL. But why in the world did he allow the demons into the pigs?

Ch 9
--In a world full of people who don’t understand Jesus or outright refuse to acknowledge who he is, we follow the heart of Peter, who is willing to proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah.
--I haven’t heard about the Transfiguration in a long time. How amazing that must have been for the disciples. I wonder if they got it when they heard God’s voice from heaven. I think being “Gripped with fear” is a pretty adequate response…
--This chapter ends with some tough words. I think it’s about being too consumed with this world and not all-consumed with Jesus and his kingdom. I’ve got a long way to go…

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