Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Car Buying Ain't What it Used to Be

Last week I finally rid myself of my little Ford Ranger. I was a little tiny bit sad to say goodbye to it just because you connect with a vehicle at least a little, and it was such a convenient little truck. It also was good on gas mileage. But as I said it's now sold, in fact probably already in use by someone in the D.C. area, the owner was shipping it up there.

So I've been on the market for a vehicle this week, and had a pretty good experience. I have to say thanks to my good friend Anthony of Bronco John's Auto (and of Grace Fellowship!) for really helping me along in this pursuit. He referred me to a dealer, one of those good relationship kind of things. Eddie from Just Trucks (DBA Diamond II Auto Sales) on West Colonial was great at not pressuring me and allowing me to drive two vehicles he had. Huge props to Eddie, if he had the vehicle I chose I would have been proud to have done business with him. But I didn't walk off the lot totally pumped about what was there.

I drove around town last night stopping at a couple places, and ended up at Thurston's Auto Center in Maitland by referral from my friend Chad. I found a Toyota 4Runner, test drove it and liked it. They lowered the price significantly from the internet price, and said I could borrow it overnight. I took them up on it and drove around town a bit, drove to Longwood and back on I-4 and then to Anthony this morning. Anthony showed me a few minor things on it, so this afternoon I went back and bought it. It's currently there for a transmission flush they agreed to do, as well as a cleanup job and hopefully some deodorizing since the previous owner was a smoker.

This and a couple of other situations have been proof to us of God's faithfulness and love. He cares! He blesses us when we follow him, seek his face, and live for others. Baby on the way, possible new house in a killer location, new car for me, trip to Colorado coming up soon, and more. And that's NOTHING compared to the stuff going on at Grace. Well, our baby certainly is. But my point is that when we really started to honor God with our tithe, we've seen God give us better opportunities than we had dreamed of. And when as a church we really worked hard to see lives changed and people taking steps this spring, God has brought many new people and there is so much excitement. It's not a formula, I know, you don't have to remind me of Job and the tens of thousands of martyrs, etc. But Anne and I are excited about the good things God is doing in our lives and are so very thankful, grateful, for his blessing. God is GOOD!

1 comment:

bradley said...

Perfect choice. I am proud of you.