Friday, April 11, 2008

Thoughts from the Week

First of all, read my blog entry on Graceology entitled "The Basin and the Towel," and then take a breather and check this out:

Secondly, Phil Keaggy is a freakin' awesome guitarist! I wish I could play half as good as this:

Get past the outdated-ness and listen to the lyrics. You've got to appreciate the thoughfulness of the lyrics and the talent of the musicians. I've always enjoyed Michael Card, not everything he's done, but some of it.

Back to 2008. So much has happened this week!! Barring we find a major plumbing problem, or an electrical fire waiting to happen when we get an inspection done next week, it appears we have BOUGHT A HOUSE!!

I also officially picked up my new ride, the Toyota 4Runner pictured below. We took it to Disney today. It was so fun to just sit back and drive in the A/C, listening to CD's in the CD player (!!) and setting the cruise control. So great. God has been so good to us. He's so faithful!

We're getting more and more geared up for the entrance of our little boy, and we seem to be narrowing down our choices on our names, which I won't share yet because we're still mulling it over. Babies-R-Us was a bit overwhelming this week, but I definitely felt tears well up as I walked through the little boys outfits and realized we're going to have a little person fitting in those really soon. I'm so proud we're going to have a son. It blows me away.


beach987 said...

I'm happy for you and Anne, Jason. Congratulations on the house, new car and more importantly the new baby !!!! I can hear the joy in your writing and it a pleasure sharing in it with you; thanks. God is great !!!!

Miles Beach

Kelly said...

You don't have to work very hard to appreciate Phil Keaggy. I lived above a girl in college who loved to play Jane's Addiction at volume 11 during my nap time. Phil successfully drowned her out every afternoon....

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the house! It looks great! Where is it?