Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Good Article

Once Again, WiikiHow comes through with some plain simple advice, this time on how couples should work through finances. This does article doesn't replace something like Crown or Good Sense, but it's a good start.

On to a completely different subject--Marriage. Some say there's only one person in the world that you can marry, while others hold there are many people that you could marry in the world. Having been married three years now, I think my beliefs on this have morphed a bit, but I know several people trying to choose their mate, trying to figure out whether to give the ring or whether they want the ring.

I think it's both: if God wants you married, he knows who your mate will be. I intentionally put it singularly. Until you say "I do," there are multiple people that you could marry in the world. I could have married several of the women that I had crushes on--I can't say dated because I never really dated until Anne. Out of those that I could have married, a marriage to some of them would have been difficult, while with others it may have been easier. But God had chosen Anne to be my wife, and in his plan it didn't work out until her. Once I said "I do" to her, a number of things changed, doors were closed, there are now no other options. From an emotional standpoint, she is my soulmate. But whether I thought she was my soulmate or not, once we were announced husband and wife, she became my soulmate.

A few of those who decide to get divorced give the reason that their current spouse isn't their soulmate, that they've found another who is and have decided to be with them. The Biblical principle is that two people become soulmates over the course of their marriage as they learn the intricacies of how to do life together. I have many friends and family who have been ravaged by divorce--as a friend of mine once said, "Curse the fall of man!" It is a result of the fall, a reversal of God's design for two to become one as instituted in Genesis 2. Divorce is very much forgivable by God, but it is always to be the last resort, even in the case of adultery it is an option but not a requirement.

I'd like to hear your thoughts. This post is not at all meant to condemn or judge anyone, just to express what I think is Biblical teaching. I have a heart for those still choosing their spouse, and want them to know that they are sure this is the person they will spend the rest of their life with. I am completely in love with my wife, Anne. Other than Jesus, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We have a great marriage, are totally in love, and I'm confident we will be married til death do us part.


anne girl said...

Yes, yes, yes to all of it. There were plenty of people with whom I could have made a marriage work to a degree... but God bringing you into my life was purposeful, no celestial accident or random event. You and I are not perfect people, but we were made perfectly for each other.

I thank God every day for you.

Unknown said...

Here's a brain tickler for you. It's something that I've never been able to satisfactorily settle in my own mind.

Fact: The Bible tells us that God hates divorce.

Fact: The Bible tells us that to divorce one person and marry another is adultery.

Fact: The church will perform marriage ceremonies for persons on their second (or higher) spouse.

I certainly understand that forgiveness is possible, and that people will make mistakes. If the church would refuse to re-marry people who are divorced, it would sound harsh and unforgiving. However, this is the only sin I can think of that the church HELPS people to commit.

Run that through the ol' logic banks for a few minutes and see if smoke doesn't start pouring out of your ears!