Friday, June 13, 2008

Interesting Thoughts

You should read this short post and the comments listed there to get a context for my response to one of the commenters:

Lisa, God's Word is timeless, just as relevant today as it was over all the centuries it was written. However, the packaging in which we have been called by God to communicate his Word can be outdated. If you're communicating to an audience whose prime time was 1987, or 1960, and want they want to keep it that way, then your words are right on. An example of this may be Coral Ridge Church of Ft. Lauderdale. Nothing against them, they just have a target audience of people who prefer older avenues of communication. If you're trying to reach today's student, or 20 somethings, the branding and methods of doing church in 1987 may not be the most effective avenue to communicate the timeless word of God.

Mark Driscoll of Seattle is a great example of this...he holds the line on convservative Calvinist theology, and preaches it passionately. But look how he's dressed, look at the stage...because the average person from Seattle is comfortable in that sort of environment, and when they're comfortable in their setting, you earn the right to rustle the feathers of their heart and mind with God's timeless truth. This is what Paul did in Acts 17 when speaking to the Greeks.

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