Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pest Control

The title of Tony Morgan's new book, Killing Cockroaches, reminds me that we have yet to choose a pest control company yet for our home. I certainly have seen cockroaches and other insects needing to be "controlled" in our home. We're happy that at least whatever rodent was up in the ceiling has either died or went away though. Who do you guys recommend for a cheap price that cares about the customer more than sales and knows what they're talking about? Or, what are some methods for DIY pest control? I've had a couple people tell me they liked a certain company because they are environmentally friendly--what does that mean? What does that look like?

I honestly sat here thinking about whether there was an spiritual illustration that I might segue into with "speaking of pest control..." But nothing comes to mind, so a rather mundane post for today. But I still covet your opinion because...hmmm, where have I heard this before?..."I need to make the wise choice."

1 comment:

nancy said...

Magic Pest Management!!!! We have used them for a decade!! I love Ty and Jody so much that I have even left my sleeping baby with him while he was exterminating my house to run and pick up our other child from school. They are awesome, reasonable and most importantly, we are always critter free!!!